The electronic displays Conference (edC) is the established conference in Europe for promoting the dialogue and discussion between engineers, researchers, users and manufacturers/distributors in the field of electronic displays and systems equipped with displays. We are looking for contributions from research & development, and applications as well as market trends.
The audience covers the whole value chain: decision makers, engineers and industry professionals. Your presentation will be in the conference proceedings for long-term impact. A huge additional benefit is the “electronic displays area” of the embedded world exhibition which runs in parallel to edC.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Why submit a paper?
Get a large impact in the display community: electronic displays Conference is Europe’s largest conference on electronic displays and their applications. In 2024, the event was once again a complete success, crowned by a veritable record, more than 530 participants came to the edC.
The audience covers the whole value chain: decision makers, engineers and industry professionals. Your presentation will be in the conference proceedings for long-term impact.
How to submit an abstract:
Important deadlines / dates:
Requirements for submission:
Login with existing account or create new account Contact data incl. biography/CV (only for new accounts), presentation title, short abstract (max. 1,000 characters) If all is well prepared, the submission can be done in 15 minutes!For any questions or further details, please contact the edC chairman Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Blankenbach (<>).
Please note:
The conference language is English. The approximate speaking slot for each speaker is 20 minutes, except keynotes. Posters are as well available. Conference participants and speakers will have various backgrounds and areas of interest. They will come from both industry and academia along the value chain of electronic displays and professional display systems. The mixture of presentations and networking like author interviews allow ample opportunities to encounter new ideas and to exchange your views with experts.
The committee appreciates an additional paper of your online submission with text and figures in order to ease the evaluation process. Please note that this is not mandatory. If you plan to add a paper for the submission, you can use our template which is also an option for the final proceedings of edC. If you would like to do so, please request the template via email to After you have finalized the online submission, please sent the paper as pdf to as well.
Juliane Heger
WEKA Fachmedien GmbH
Project Manager Events
P: +49 (0)89.25556-1155
Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Blankenbach
Pforzheim University – Display Lab
Conference Chairman edC
Tiefenbronner Straße 65, 75175 Pforzheim, Germany
P: +49 (0)7231/28-6658