The electronic displays Conference (edC) is the established conference in Europe for promoting the dialogue and discussion between engineers, researchers, users and manufacturers/distributors in the field of electronic displays and systems equipped with displays. We are looking for contributions from research & development, and applications as well as market trends.
The audience covers the whole value chain: decision makers, engineers and industry professionals. Your presentation will be in the conference proceedings for long-term impact. A huge additional benefit is the “electronic displays area” of the embedded world exhibition which runs in parallel to edC.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Why submit a paper?
Get a large impact in the display community: edC is Europe’s largest conference on electronic displays and their applications. In 2022 more than 400 attendees and speakers came together on the on site event in Nuremberg.
The audience covers the whole value chain: decision makers, engineers and industry professionals. Your presentation will be in the conference proceedings for long-term impact.
How to submit an abstract:
Important deadlines / dates:
The conference language is English. The time slot for each speaker is 20 minutes, except keynotes. Applications for posters are as well appreciated, they have a huge impact during coffee breaks.
Renate Ester - Project Manager
P: +49 (0)89.25556.1349
Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Blankenbach
Pforzheim University – Display Lab
Conference Chairman edC
Tiefenbronner Straße 65, 75175 Pforzheim, Germany
P +49 (0)7231/28-6658